Proactivity Is the Foundation for Nonprofit Success

Proactivity is key to nonprofit success. Learn how Stephen Covey’s 'Be Proactive' habit and the Foundations for Growth (FFG) approach help nonprofits anticipate challenges and seize opportunities to stay ahead and make a lasting impact.

Ted Bilich

In the world of nonprofit organizations, proactivity is essential. To use Hamlet, it is better to “take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them,”* rather than being at the mercy of outside forces and always a step behind. Stephen Covey's first habit in his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, "Be Proactive," emphasizes the importance of taking initiative and responsibility for one's actions. For nonprofits, this means anticipating challenges and opportunities rather than merely reacting to them. Our Foundations for Growth (FFG) approach aligns perfectly with this habit, offering a structured way to help nonprofits proactively manage threats and seize opportunities.

Proactivity in Nonprofit Management

Nonprofits operate in an environment where unforeseen challenges can arise at any moment. They tend to address issues that are too politically contentious or not well enough understood to be addressed by other social actors. But it’s not just that nonprofits deal with uncertainties and challenges that others ignore; the nonprofit model itself creates substantial uncertainties. Whether it’s changes in funding, shifts in community needs, or new regulatory requirements, being proactive allows nonprofits to stay ahead of these challenges. By actively identifying potential threats and opportunities, nonprofits can develop strategies to address them before threats become crises and opportunities slip by.

The Role of FFG in Promoting Proactivity

Our FFG approach encourages nonprofits to perform regular risk check-ins and maintain a risk register – a prioritized punch-list of the most important risks facing the organization, who is addressing them, and what the next response will be. By doing so, nonprofits create action plans to mitigate threats and leverage opportunities, ensuring they are always a step ahead.

Benefits of Being Proactive

  1. Enhanced Preparedness: Proactive organizations are better prepared to handle unexpected challenges. By anticipating potential issues, nonprofits can develop contingency plans and avoid last-minute scrambles.
  2. Improved Resource Allocation: When nonprofits anticipate future needs, they allocate resources more effectively, ensuring that critical areas are well-supported.
  3. Greater Stakeholder Confidence: Donors, volunteers, and community members have greater confidence in nonprofits that demonstrate proactive management. It shows that the organization is well-run and capable of navigating challenges.
  4. Increased Impact: Proactive nonprofits can focus more on their mission and less on crisis management. This allows them to achieve greater impact and make a more significant difference in their communities.


Adopting a proactive mindset is crucial for nonprofit success. By implementing our Foundations for Growth approach, nonprofits can systematically identify and address threats and opportunities, ensuring they remain resilient and effective in their mission. Embrace proactivity and watch your nonprofit thrive!

*Ms. Pat Drake, my 9th grade English teacher, is responsible for this reference. Memorizing the soliloquy was the best extra credit assignment ever.