How to Address Moral Temptations in the Workplace

Creating an ethical workplace is crucial for fostering trust and integrity in nonprofits. Learn the top five steps to address moral temptations at work, guided by Rushworth Kidder’s principles. Discover how to develop a clear ethical framework, ensure leadership commitment, provide ethics training, encourage open dialogue, and promote accountability. Equip your organization to navigate ethical challenges effectively and maintain a culture of integrity.

Ted Bilich

Creating an ethical workplace is essential for fostering trust, integrity, and long-term success for nonprofits. When employees face moral temptations—those right versus wrong dilemmas described by Rushworth Kidder—it is crucial to have a robust framework in place to guide their decisions. Here are the top five steps a company can take to help employees navigate these ethical challenges, force-ranked for their impact and importance.

Develop a Clear Ethical Framework

A clear ethical framework serves as the foundation for all other efforts. Without a well-defined code of ethics and core values, employees lack the necessary guidelines to make consistent ethical decisions. This step sets the tone for the entire organization, providing a reference point for what is considered right and wrong.

How to Implement: Create and communicate a detailed code of ethics that outlines expected behaviors and decision-making principles. This code should be easily accessible and understandable to all employees. Additionally, embed the company’s core values into every aspect of the business, from daily operations to strategic planning. By integrating these values into the corporate culture, employees will have a clear understanding of what the organization stands for and how they are expected to act.

Leadership Commitment

Ethical leadership is critical because leaders set examples for others to follow. When leaders consistently demonstrate ethical behavior, it fosters a culture of integrity and accountability throughout the organization. Employees look to their leaders for cues on how to behave, making this a powerful driver of ethical conduct.

How to Implement: Encourage leaders to model ethical decision-making and openly discuss their own ethical challenges and solutions. This transparency helps to build trust and shows employees that ethical behavior is valued at all levels of the organization. Maintain transparent communication channels where leaders can share their commitment to ethics and encourage ethical behavior among employees. By doing so, leaders reinforce the importance of ethics in the workplace and demonstrate that ethical considerations are integral to business success.

Ethics Training and Education

Regular ethics training ensures that employees are equipped with the knowledge and skills to handle moral dilemmas effectively. It reinforces the company’s ethical framework and provides practical tools for ethical decision-making.

Conduct frequent training sessions on ethical decision-making, including workshops and seminars. These sessions should cover the company’s code of ethics, core values, and specific scenarios that employees may encounter. Use real-life scenarios and case studies to help employees practice resolving ethical dilemmas. By providing a safe environment to explore these challenges, employees can develop their moral reasoning skills and gain confidence in their ability to make ethical decisions.

Encourage Open Dialogue

Creating a culture of open dialogue about ethical issues empowers employees to speak up and seek guidance when faced with moral temptations. This step is crucial for identifying and addressing ethical concerns before they escalate.

Implement confidential ways for employees to report unethical behavior, such as hotlines or suggestion boxes. These mechanisms should be easy to access and assure employees that their concerns will be taken seriously and handled discreetly. Establish ethics committees or panels that employees can consult for advice on ethical issues. These committees can provide valuable guidance and support, helping employees navigate complex ethical dilemmas and reinforcing the company’s commitment to ethical behavior.

Promote a Culture of Accountability

Accountability ensures that ethical guidelines are followed and that there are consequences for unethical behavior. This step reinforces the importance of adhering to the company’s ethical standards and promotes a sense of responsibility among employees.

Include ethical behavior in performance reviews, rewarding those who uphold the company’s standards and addressing any deviations from expected conduct. Consistently apply ethical guidelines across the organization to demonstrate that unethical behavior will not be tolerated. By holding everyone accountable, from entry-level employees to senior executives, the company can maintain a strong ethical culture and ensure that ethical considerations are always a priority.


Addressing moral temptations in the workplace requires a comprehensive and proactive approach. By developing a clear ethical framework, demonstrating leadership commitment, providing ethics training, encouraging open dialogue, and promoting a culture of accountability, companies can create an environment where employees are well-equipped to navigate ethical challenges. Implementing these top five steps will help foster a culture of integrity and ensure the long-term success of the organization.

Risk Alternatives provides training and support for organizations that want to improve their resilience, sustainability, and growth. For more information, email or call 608-709-0793.