Engaging Your Board in Ethical Oversight

Engage your nonprofit board in ethical oversight with best practices like setting the tone at the top, incorporating ethical discussions, and conducting regular ethics audits. Enhance integrity, transparency, and trust with effective ethical governance.

Ted Bilich

Effective ethical oversight is vital for nonprofit organizations, and the board of directors plays a crucial role in establishing and maintaining this oversight. By setting a strong ethical foundation, your board can help ensure that the organization operates with integrity and transparency. Here are some best practices for engaging your board in ethical oversight.

Set the Tone at the Top

One of the board's primary responsibilities is to establish a culture of ethics, compliance, and risk management. The board must be vocal and clear about the organization's commitment to ethical behavior. This "tone at the top," as we call it at Risk Alternatives, sets a precedent for the entire organization, signaling that ethical practices are a priority and non-negotiable.

Incorporate Ethical Discussions in Board Meetings

Integrating discussions about ethics into regular board meetings is essential. Real-life scenarios can be used to highlight ethical dilemmas and facilitate meaningful conversations. For instance, consider a situation where a board member fails to read the board packet before a meeting. This is a straightforward issue of right versus wrong, emphasizing the importance of fulfilling fiduciary duties and maintaining the board's effectiveness.

Develop a Board-Specific Ethics Policy

Before implementing an ethics policy for staff, it's prudent to develop a board-specific ethics policy. This ensures that the board sets a strong example and takes its ethical obligations seriously. The policy should outline expected behaviors, conflict of interest guidelines, confidentiality requirements, and the responsibilities of board members.

Consider an Ethics Committee

While establishing a dedicated ethics committee might seem like additional bureaucracy, and we don’t usually recommend lots of committees, this one can be beneficial for larger organizations. An ethics committee can focus on ethical issues, ensuring they receive the necessary attention.

For many nonprofits, integrating ethical oversight into existing committees, such as governance or audit committees, may be more practical and efficient.

Leverage Communication Tools

Effective communication is key to reinforcing ethical standards. One innovative approach is for the board chair to record a video message outlining the organization's commitment to ethical conduct. This message can articulate how the board intends to ensure that ethical and moral conduct permeates throughout the organization, adding a personal touch to the communication.

Employ Continuous Education and Training

Ongoing education and training for board members are crucial. Regular workshops and training sessions on ethical governance, compliance, and risk management can help board members stay informed about best practices and emerging issues. This continuous learning reinforces the board's commitment to ethical governance and equips members to navigate complex ethical dilemmas.

Perform Regular Ethics Audits

Conducting regular ethics audits can help identify potential ethical risks and areas for improvement. These audits assess the effectiveness of existing policies and procedures, ensuring they are followed and remain relevant. An ethics audit can also provide valuable insights into the organization's ethical climate, highlighting areas where additional training or policy adjustments may be necessary.


Engaging your board in ethical oversight is essential for maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of your nonprofit organization. Set the tone at the top, but don’t stop there. A commitment to ethics enhances your organization's reputation and builds trust with donors, volunteers, beneficiaries, and the broader community. By actively participating in and promoting ethical practices, the board can lead by example and create a culture of integrity that resonates throughout the entire organization.

Risk Alternatives provides training and support for organizations that want to improve their resilience, sustainability, and growth. For more information, email info@riskalts.com or call 608-709-0793.